By manksy - 01/01/2010 22:07 - United Kingdom

Today, when I was unpacking all of my stuff, my parents declared that they are going to live in Australia, and have found me a 'friend'. I am a 14 year old girl at boarding school, and my friend is my new foster mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 026
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is awful. I hope you find some other adults that you can be close to and take an interest in you. Please remember that this about them and not you; it's their selfishness and neglect, not because you are not a worthwhile person. I am so sorry to hear this.

well, once they settle there, send them a big box of cookies, make them yourself, add whatever you wish to add.


sLsIDK 0

Hey, what's wrong with hacking?

BabyCakes379 0

I agree with #183. you are probably way better off without them... I hope your new friend is really good to you though(:

wow so u were abandoned by your parents. the best thing to do is work hard, grow up to be really successful and rich...then when they get old, abandon THEM!

I grew up in the foster care system. From what i know, the system doesn't just take in children for no reason. They would much prefer to placed them with other relatives.

method_men25 2

I agree w/#188, screw those D-Bags, you're better off without them. I know a few parents I'd call $hittee that would still chew off their own arm fast enough to jump in front of a bus to save their kids. You may not know this, but you're cutting your losses early on. Good on ya.

MF12 0

well at least they tried to find you a friend... XD but seriously that sucks send them a pecan pie with a little extra

ahahha LOL at the hermione granger thing! good work for coming to australia. it really is awesome down here.

202, you seem to have missed the point. the OP is NOT going to Australia. Her PARENTS are going to Australia. WITHOUT her. How nice of you to let her know how awesome the place she's NOT going to is. Evidently her parents think that it's far more awesome than she is! *growls* OP, saying you're better off without them is very cold comfort indeed, but in this case I can't help but believe it's true. People that selfish and that self-absorbed CANNOT be good for you. If they'd talked to you and you'd said "hey, I don't WANT to uproot myself and move across the world, I want to stay here!" that would be one thing, but ditching you? Very low, and very much NOT your fault. It can be freeing - sad, but freeing - to realize that a flawed relationship is NOT your fault but rather the other person not trying or being incapable of connecting. I hope you are able to realize that in this situation, it's not you that's at fault. Repeat that till you believe it.