By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte

Today, when I went to pay for my groceries, I accidentally handed the cashier a condom instead of my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 007
You deserved it 28 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

Depending on the cashier's personality, this could go many ways: It could be absolutely hilarious and you could make a new friend. The cashier could be a sweet old lady who reminds you of your granny, and become flustered. It would be awkward for everyone. The cashier could give you a creepy wink-grin combo. Any combination of the above, and more scenarios. I'm assuming, since this is an FML, it wasn't the first one. So.... Awkward.

Clearly an acceptable form of legal US currency. Washington is run by dicks anyway.


Caitlin72 5

Should've just winked at them.

HotShrimp 3

It's okay. you can play it off as a pickup move.

hope it led to an awkward next couple of visits

melrose90210 10

How do you mistake a condom for a $20 bill?

I_dont_exist 5
Ashter 20

I think it was a fine trade. A single condom is worth the thousands of dollars you could be spending over the next 18+ years if you fail to use it. The cashier should have been thrilled for such an occurrence. Lol.

OP, condoms have been proven to break more frequently during sex after being kept in hot places like wallets and glove compartments. Thought you should know.

Sex can also be a way for paying for your grocery