By Tinker-Bell - 21/11/2008 03:41 - France

Today, when I woke up, my husband was already up. Thinking I'd heard him in the hall, I yelled out, "Come on, don't be shy, bring your dick back in here right now!" A voice then replied, "He's gone out to get some bread." It was my mother-in-law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 222
You deserved it 18 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Root123 0

The mother took it well I'd say.


macabrephantasm 7

god, dont give your mother in law your house key

she was proberly more emmbaressed than you were (and confused) xD could have been worst; good job it was a female...then it was obv u made a mistake lulz

oh_mi_shizzle 0

ohmigod! hahahahaha lmao! that's downright embarrassing! if I did that to my boyfriend's mom I'd never be able to talk to her again (I barely can already). you have terrible luck. FYL!

Should have retorted with "I was talking to you"

to me, it sounds like she understands perfectly

mypseudonym 0

Sorry, I LOL'd so bad on that XD Sounds like she wasn't too weirded out, though :D

This might be the funniest FML of all time.

OmgGuessWhatChic 0

YDI because u killed billie mays