By Tinker-Bell - 21/11/2008 03:41 - France

Today, when I woke up, my husband was already up. Thinking I'd heard him in the hall, I yelled out, "Come on, don't be shy, bring your dick back in here right now!" A voice then replied, "He's gone out to get some bread." It was my mother-in-law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 222
You deserved it 18 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Root123 0

The mother took it well I'd say.


Mcstud1y 30

One of the things not to yell when company is over

well he could've brought a rooster in

6 years too late but, who's the name thief!??!?!

You're married to him, that's what matters. It's your house, so don't be too embarrassed

why would you yell that if she was there?

J15237 25

God I wish my wife would do something that sexy for our sex life. I know it back fired, but terrific for you for trying to keep it hot and intense.