By Tinker-Bell - 21/11/2008 03:41 - France

Today, when I woke up, my husband was already up. Thinking I'd heard him in the hall, I yelled out, "Come on, don't be shy, bring your dick back in here right now!" A voice then replied, "He's gone out to get some bread." It was my mother-in-law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 222
You deserved it 18 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Root123 0

The mother took it well I'd say.


omgggg soooo embarrassing ! how did she get in your house? lol

HAhahaha Wow, I would have hid in the bedroom for as long as I could

iVereor 0

nothing to be ashamed of. the mother has said that too many times. enjoy life lady and laugh about it lol. a mother understands lol

This us the kind of thing that would happen to me, fyl

OriginalPooh01 0

Why the hell would you even yell that out. YDI for not having common sense to make sure he's in the hall. >:D