By drug testing - 09/05/2013 22:22 - United States - Little Chute

Today, while answering an "anonymous" survey about how to keep my school drug free, I told them they should stop drug testing the kids that they know don't do drugs and test the sketchier ones. They in turn drug tested me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 141
You deserved it 15 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

This warrants a call to the school district... your privacy seems to have been compromised.

jensen21 19

I know quite a few kids that do drugs that don't look sketchy at all. How would they be able to tell for sure if someone did drugs without testing them first?


friedpwnadge 25

Your pun is bad and you should feel bad.

Hold on... They do drug testing on high school students in the US? Wtf...

Yes they do. And if you fail they don't allow you to participate in any extra-curricular activities. At least thats what my old High School did.

Shouldn't they use the funding that goes toward drug tests on drug education programs? If kids are given enough information on the effects of drugs they may be less likely to try them and if they still do, well that's their choice.

55- Why am I not surprised to see that you're a criminal justice major? Those people always act like their better than everyone all makes sense now why you seem to hate weed so much.

55- Your comment just proves that yóu are the one with blinders on. Stop believing all the propaganda you hear and start thinking for yourself.

Ciraxas 7

99 - you're the biggest ******* idiot ever

99 if you love justice so much then you shouldn't support random drug testing in high school. My psych teacher actually took a day out of the lesson plan to tell us our rights as students because she heard us talking about random backpack and even strip searches. It's like when a cop pulls you over and ask to look in your trunk randomly. You can say no because they have no reason, but most people don't know that. In the case of high school just call your parents, they pretty much can't do a thing if you do that. Plus I think you are over reacting a little. To much of a ok or even good thing can kill you. And everyone's situation is different. I'll grant that most just do it for fun, but I would say not to a point that's harmful.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

There are drug info programs that kids go through in elementary and middle school. They will still experiment. I never did, but I know a lot of people who did. Random drug testing isn't a bad thing, they need to quit doing drugs and if getting busted by the cops is what it takes then so be it.

Come to think of it, wouldn't randomized drug testing be the most ideal?

Well, what did you expect to happen? Next time talk about false positives in drug testing instead. If false positive rate is 10%, then 1 in 10 drug tested students will be falsely accused of doing drugs.

toomanyidiots 14

False positives occur in 5-10%. False negatives occur in 10-15%. I'm assuming subsequent testing would be ordered.

28, 5 percent is a lot. If a university has, say, 10000 people that don't do drugs, and you drug-test them all, there'll be 500 falsely accused people.

I don't do drugs and never have done them in my life. However I find this drug testing obsession in the USA really strange and so against civil liberties. One of the perfect examples of the multiple contradictions of the so-called "Home of the Free". Fair enough that they do it in jobs where life of others is at stake (doctors, airline pilots, etc). And even, there is a fine line. Someone can smoke a joint or be in a room where people smoked a joint over the weekend and they will test positive weeks after. What you do at home should be your own business. Same for kids, it's the parents business to keep that in check, not the school.

I find your post slightly disturbing. First off, I've seen drug testing in schools all over the world, not just US. Secondly, since when is using drugs a civil liberty? In most countries it is illegal anyway, what would you say if your kid turned up drunk at school and failed one of his exams? Would you accept it if the school would tell you 'it is not their concern'? I sure wouldn't. Considering the fact kids spend a lot of time at school where they should be learning things, it is part of the schools responsibility as well.

Yes. because you really need a drug test to see if a person is under influence during school hours.

OP, this is close to the height of YDI! And it's a good lesson for you too! Don't like how it feels to be profiled? Really!?!? Then don't suggest profiling as your "solution" to the drug problem! Lesson learned? I hope so!!

Drug testing in schools? I guess Adderall and Ritalin don't count right? :P

Lady_Bee_fml 13

This pisses me off so much...what exactly does 'sketchy' look like? A guy with long hair? A girl with piercings? Any kid who isn't in the preppy in-crowd? You completely deserve this for using such stupid stereotypes and being so ignorant, OP.