By annonymous - 07/09/2015 20:56 - United States

Today, while at a neighborhood party, my drunk mother told all our neighbors, including a girl I like, about my struggles with a micropenis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 871
You deserved it 2 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean.

That's an awful thing to say ... Privacy, intimacy should be respected by everyone, especially those closest to you, and most of all your mother !


Yikes, aren't drunk parents the best? Sounds like it might be time to have a conversation about privacy!

SheepShoop_fml 20

You put your mind and your digits into it and it really won't matter in the end, you will find love with someone who knows better than to care solely about the size. You'll do well. I am sorry that you have had to go through such an unnecessary and embarrassing situation. Best of luck, OP.

hehe1996 15

I'm sorry your mother was so insensitive OP but don't worry too much about the size of your penis, you can always use your fingers and your mouth to make sure sex is amazing for you and your partner.

FallenMetalAngel 17

I'm sorry dude, if it makes you feel better, you are not the only one.

kitsuneluvuh 12

Well... Hopefully you have a sparkling personality to make up for it. If not, well, you still have perfectly good fingers and a tongue, right?

well, if you really were pursuing her, she would have found out eventually, right?

Yes, and why making such awful "surprise" to someone you "like"?

Remember this when you're choosing her nursing home.

CliffyB03 28

It's not about size. It's what you do with it.