By annonymous - 07/09/2015 20:56 - United States

Today, while at a neighborhood party, my drunk mother told all our neighbors, including a girl I like, about my struggles with a micropenis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 871
You deserved it 2 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean.

That's an awful thing to say ... Privacy, intimacy should be respected by everyone, especially those closest to you, and most of all your mother !


Shoulda emptied a dozen beer bottles on top of her

Sorry about the dick thing. Time to bitch slap the momma.

quarterbird 18

How does your mom know how small your penis is???

Having a micropenis is an actual condition so OP's mom probably noticed it when OP was quite young.

or just explain that ur mum was drunk and they magx10000

How the heoneone can anyone click "YDI"???? This is a legitimate medical condition that occurs since birth!

LolKaleb 14

Same thing happened to me bro but not around the girl I like. I don't have that issue anymore though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

SaltyLurker 10
dirtbikeguy 14

Well today I learned that micropenis is a real condition. Also, as embarrassing as it was to have the girl you like find out about your condition, it may not matter all that much. Unless her intentions are purely sexual I doubt your penis has made much impact on how she feels about you. Don't lose hope!

Fyl, but she would find out eventually ya know? Maybe tell her you have really talented fingers? Sometimes that gets me off better than a penis.

Ninjerman 7

Why does your mother know about *your* struggles?

that's definitely uncalled for... he's feeling bad enough.... there is no point making him feel worse