By Eric Forrest - 24/02/2011 08:27 - United States

Today, while at a work meeting, I finally summoned up the courage to share and express my opinions about unprofessionalism in the office. After the meeting, I went to clean up, only to notice in the bathroom mirror that I'd had a booger pasted across my forehead throughout the meeting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 141
You deserved it 23 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Well, that snot very professional!

I don't use the word "epic" much, but that must have been one epic sneeze.


Now, why would you do a thing like that, OP?

jkeneda 4

likes:12379. dislikes:12379. awesome

noobgang7 5

I agree with the wtf, but not about the fml, but the fact it has 12570 fml's and ydi's

am I the only one that notices that OP's life both sucks, and OP deserves it..? exactly equally..? first time I've seen this on fml!

Mizzesbestie 13

It seems like you need a tissue for your issue.