By Anonymous - 17/03/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, while at work as a lifeguard, an older gentleman who comes in almost every morning wearing a very tight swimming suit, came up to me and said, "I don't want you having any erotic fantasies of me." After a long pause he added, "Actually, I wouldn't mind it if you do." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 973
You deserved it 4 045

Same thing different taste


chargerfan512 0

sounds like some of the old ppl at the pool I lifeguard at. hilarious

Giorgio272 2

damn baby you got the old men after yo, no need to be scared just embrace it. think of how much cash you can gold dig off the fool bitch. see it as an opportunity instead of a "o **** creeper" moment.

McFail_fml 4

In a while he'll probably be underwater 'discretely' jerking off.

WhatYouThought 0

Chill out. I know plenty of older guys, and the odds are that this guy was joking. Old guys have a sense of humour as well--apparently one that you don't get, haha

Just because he was joking doesn't mean its not an FMD (**** My Day). For all you guys out there, just reverse the genders and picture you're a lifeguard and some old droopy (butt or ****, doesn't matter) gramma is checking you out and making lip-licking gestures while giving you the "cum-hither" stare. (shudder)

WallyTheWombat 0

You're comment made me wanna wet myself. Just thought you should know.

paperisuseful 0

big wup, the guy has a sense of humor....

JustinBieberIsOK 0