By robthebuilder - 26/10/2010 06:35 - Canada

Today, while at work, I was asked to see my boss. I was informed that the company would be laying off 20 people, and that I was one of them. I was told I could finish off the week, then was sent back to work. Twenty minutes later, my boss walked around and handed us all Christmas party invitations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 806
You deserved it 2 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your life does suck. but hey go to the Xmas party booze it up and act belligerent. you have the green light.

you have the right to act like a complete fool at the party. it's not like you'll see them again anyway ;)


perdix 29

What's the problem? You're going to need all the free food you can get! Go to the party wearing pants and a jacket with enormous plastic-lined pockets and steal as much food as possible. You might even try to steal the Roast Beast.

iliveinthesky_fml 0

hey if the drinks are free why not go?

Dang, boss, couldn't have waited til next week to invite people to your party that's two months away?

if you want to go to the party, then go; but show some dignity, self-respect and go with class. getting laid-off is not the same as getting fired. it's not personal. if the economy turns around soon, they'll probably hire you back. i was told to lay five people off two months ago. we then hired them all back a week later after we stole some work from the competition. don't burn your bridges.

This! I got laid off last september, they hired me back in april when things started turning around again since i was one of the only ones who didn't give them a big "**** YOU!" I was even invited to the new years party even though I didn't work there. People need to understand that they ARE NOT slapping you in the face when you get laid off. There is only so much a company can cut to keep your salary going before having no other choice but to let you go...

AzKoldAzICE 3

well u better make sure there isn't a chance of u coming back b4 u act a fool

A lot of people have missed the point. As a previous commenter said, layoffs are typically because of budget shortfalls. Obviously this company's reason for budget shortfall is wasteful spending. They will lay off workers and use the money they "save" to throw a party. Sounds like AIG to me. I'm sorry OP. His karma will get him someday.

sourgirl101 28

Let's only hope you'll be busy going to your "new job's" Christmas party instead.

If your former employer had to lay off employees, why the hell are they having a Xmas party? Way to run a business!

RC4524 0

It seems to me like the OP is saying he/she feels that if the company has to lay off 20 people, a Christmas party is not the best use of financial resources.

i don't know, even if it was a pretty extravagant christmas party, it would still only cost a few hundred dollars.... thats no where close to the $700,000 that 20 people would make in a year... (imagining they have a salary of about $35,000, of coarse). Cancelling the christmas party wouldn't have mattered ( probably wouldn't have even saved a single job). even if they canceled all parties, switched to one ply toilet paper and were all told to use the same pen until the ink ran dry, it probably wouldn't have mattered. If sales are down a company just cant afford to keep people on staff. Besides, Christmas parties boost moral.