By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 06:29 - United States

Today, while being robbed, a man heroically chased down the robber and got my purse back. He then looked at the distance between us, turned the other way and ran off with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 426
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hate to break this to you but those guys were probably in cahoots and had this really elaborate plan where one of them "saves" the damsel in distress.


The robber probably had a weapon, so OP is lame for not chasing down someone who could potentially hurt her?

yea being on the streets in north carolina i would carry a gun but then again u would proboly keep it in ur purse

you know its a bad world when robbers are getting robbed

Using somebody else's photo and pretending it's you is pretty 'lame' and 'uncool' too.

123289 0

23 I love how you like always seem to have negative votes ^_^

this sounds like that adventure time episode

katrcortez 0