By Anonymous - 13/05/2013 23:51 - United States - Quincy

Today, while doing a fun genetics game in Biology, I found out that I was adopted. Turns out the game wasn't so fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 417
You deserved it 3 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then000bster 16

Ya know what you can say? Your parents picked you, other people just get what comes out :)

Honestly who cares? They love you, you love them, their your parents and your still their son, just not genetically


RedPillSucks 31

So now, if your parents are jerks (or ugly), you can say Thank God!!! I'm adopted....

I understand being upset about parents not telling you that you are adopted, but the grateful lenses should be that you didn't live out your life unadapted in a foster home.

At least you were taken in and not aborted right?

What the **** is wrong with being adopted??

Your parents chose you, most are stuck with their kids

well, I must ask: do you at least get your mother's/father's hand-me-down jeans?

So what if you are adopted? They gave you a new live and love you, that is all that matters. People put too much worry and anger into if their parents are their biological ones ore not. Do you know how many people never get adopted or their biological parents don't care for them? Stop complaining and just be glad you have a family.

I've known for a while that I'm adopted. My parents insist that I'm not, but I have a widow's peak, which is dominant, and they both have straight hairlines. I have Obvious freckles, also dominant, and again neither has any. Yay.

Nothing wrong with being adopted, I was.

I feel sorry for you, but if you have a family who loves you, in the end that's all that matters...