By Anonymous - 13/05/2013 23:51 - United States - Quincy

Today, while doing a fun genetics game in Biology, I found out that I was adopted. Turns out the game wasn't so fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 417
You deserved it 3 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then000bster 16

Ya know what you can say? Your parents picked you, other people just get what comes out :)

Honestly who cares? They love you, you love them, their your parents and your still their son, just not genetically


while I think they should be honest what's wrong with being adopted they chose to love and care for you and while this may be unlikely your birth mother might have been a crack head or something be grateful that you have loving parents blood or not

Ypetrol 11

could it be possible that they didn't adopt you but your father isn't your father?

The basic 4 square Punnett is not big enough to be comprehensive, not entirely accurate and leaves some room for error. The error is even explained by another method called the chi square. punnet's are as accurate as they need to be to teach a basic concept at a high school level. This is why geneticists and doctors and the like don't just stop at high school. If your freaking out get a cheek swab and let an actual scientist decide if you're adopted. And this explanation doesn't even take into account anomalies such as chimerism...

Don't jump to conclusions just because of some game. DNA is much more complicated than just "they have blue eyes and I have brown eyes, must be adopted". If you are afraid you're adopted, ask them, or take a proper DNA test.

There are a number of genetic impossibilities, usually with eye color. 2 blue eyed parents cannot have anything but a blue eyes child. If OP parents are both blue eyes and he is green or brown then he is 100% biologically not theirs.

I kinda doubt that a funny game in Biology class could tell you that. Try to calm down, it's probably nothing big anyway.

This is what happens when you have fun at school.

It's okay OP I'm adopted also. I would suggest talking to your parents and learning information that you want to know. Otherwise you should be grateful and happy you have great parents.

That's not true 81. It's possible to have a genetic mutation.