By you - 30/10/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom

Today, while getting intimate with my girlfriend, she asked me to whisper her name. Apparently, her name isn't Kate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 79 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

She's your girlfriend, and you don't know her name? Are you kidding me?

Fx13mz 7


flashback_fml 14

The girls will rip this fml up

She is your "girlfriend" not someone you just picked up - how in the name of all that's holy can you not know here name??

lexiale 10

It sounds more like a FML for her...

My old gf was called by a nickname and I didn't know that it was a nickname until, well basically this same situation happened.

obviously she's not really your girlfriend. sounds like she's just someone you have sex with. ydi