By you - 30/10/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom

Today, while getting intimate with my girlfriend, she asked me to whisper her name. Apparently, her name isn't Kate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 79 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

She's your girlfriend, and you don't know her name? Are you kidding me?

Fx13mz 7


effiestonem154 11
yenidewi 11

Hahahhahahaha ... you deserve that ... !

and she is not your girlfriend anymore... by the way, is who Kate?...

At least he didn't cry out his sisters name.

noisebox 1

F. U. C. K. Tell her I love her......

I really want to know your justification for this one. You're either really stupid for not knowing your girl's name or really stupid for forgetting a vital piece of information, which ended up making you look like a douchebag on FML. Can't really avoid the YDI.

So, you either A. Have been told a fake name, B. Never realized her name was Kate, or C. You cheated or something and forgot her name.

if Kate's not her name, then what is it? cuz she told me her name was Kate too. YDI, OP