By you - 30/10/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom

Today, while getting intimate with my girlfriend, she asked me to whisper her name. Apparently, her name isn't Kate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 79 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

She's your girlfriend, and you don't know her name? Are you kidding me?

Fx13mz 7


metaphoristic 8

Today, I couldn't find any food to make breakfast with, except a piece of bread and butter. After I had toasted and buttered it, I bit down, only to discover a patch of mold right over my tongue. It was the only moldy part of the bread. FML

I did the same thing with your mom... Crazy though her name isn't Kate either... Fml

Eh, that's okay. I call people by every name but their own, especially in any emotional moments.

devilz_advocate 7

Is it possible that the GIRLFRIEND gave OP the wrong name, or are men always wrong?

devilz_advocate 7

p.s. **** you 91- think outside the box... No pun intended

so..let me get this straight. She's your girlfriend, and "apparently her name is not Kate." and you have no recollection of what her name is? you, my friend have problems.

I obviously don't know everything about you and your relationship to say too much but seriously you should know your own girlfriends name.

loveyouall81 2

Hahahaha YES!!! That's a win in my books!

StephenStills 6