By MandMandM - 19/07/2010 06:38 - United States

Today, while I was at my boyfriend's house, I got my period. About an hour after I told him, he impatiently said, "Is it over yet?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 559
You deserved it 6 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

icantellu 7

I wish it was over an hour. How easy a girl's life would be...


codymaxey033 0

Sometimes you gotta take the dirt road instead

I used to love ketchup on my hotdog until I pulled out of my girl when she started her cycle during sex..not sexy period sex is awesome until its over :( then its traumatic.

You can still have sex if you're on your period...

lol funny stuff. period sex, no period sex, we aren't the great debaters people. :]

LakerFanForLife 0
godofcyanide 8

I have a dark red towel I keep on hand just for this purpose!!! ;) Get bangin', yo. It's only blood!

suffokateslowly 0

# 21 and 24 you guys are seriously lame do you really think she's even gunna respond or think twice go back 2 myspace this is fml

dangg!! wait until it's over!! then DO it!!

LOveLy_LOla 0

wow!! thts funny it mos def isn't a fml! lOl