By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 22:55 - United States - Somerset

By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 22:55 - United States - Somerset
By guess28 - 14/07/2009 18:19 - Puerto Rico
By evecamp - 10/02/2010 05:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 08:45 - Canada - Richmond
By biggieT - 14/06/2012 02:21 - Sri Lanka - Colombo
By Noname - 05/03/2009 06:01 - Canada
By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 23:00
By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 19:44 - United Kingdom - Addlestone
By Anonymous - 03/10/2010 01:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 05:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/09/2010 04:40 - United States
Such a waste of a first comment... Just like OP's penis apparently...
Not only that, how was #8's comment supposed to make sense? Never heard of a penis being a waste unless it's on a guy who wants a sex change.
Perhaps its not the tool but instead the vessel itself thats the problem
Agreed. My fiancée couldn't reach ****** during sex for a long time but never lied to me about it so I kept trying instead of thinking everything was good. Now I can give her 3 or more almost every time because we found our rhythm. I'm glad she let me know even though so we could make it work.
Or maybe she just started lying about it so as not to make you feel bad about it.
Sounds like she was crying about it because she's gonna need that hand later to finish
Remember to apply aloe gel to burns, OP.
Apply lotion to the burn instead, I have a feeling he isn't getting any for a while so might as well knock out two birds with one stone.
Except for the part where she faked her orgasms and essentially lied about them which is, you know, not very honest.
Not a problem I have myself (considerate & talented lover, yay!) but I understand sometimes no matter how hard a guy tries sometimes a girl just can't... And she doesn't want them to feel unaccomplished. Even though honesty is the best policy, I've never had to fake them. So I hope I'm making sense, but I could understand it being a women's fault not being able to finish, not just a dud partner. Situational.
Could Have Been more empathetic, instead of pathetic.
OP you're kind of an asshole. Just because it doesn't look bad to you doesn't mean she isn't hurting.
Next time fake yours too!
Your name fits the nonsense in your comment perfectly.
Yeah considering it's quite evident
But you can't fake a limp dick, sorry to break it to you.
Guys, maybe 6 was referring to Kramer in Seinfeld! He said he faked it when he'd seen enough and just wanted to go to sleep.
a guy can fake an ****** just as easily as any woman especially if the woman is very unobservant
#20, you're one to talk.
guys can definitely fake it...
Someone you supposedly love is hurt; you judge it is not severe and therefore your response is.... "stop faking it". Wow. You should be a kindergarten teacher or something.
You were kind of asking for it.
Then shut the hell up and click thumbs up
41, this is FML. Using logic here is like telling people to stop with the shitty situation jokes.
#41, then why don't you shut the hell up and thumbs down?
time to hit a pharmacy. get her some icy hot and aleve for her hand, and a good burn cream for you
That was pretty insensitive of you op. Also, if she actually communicated with you during sex and told you what she liked then she wouldn't have to fake it.
Seeing as she told him she was in pain and he ignored her, I'm not sure communicating with him during sex would have had much of an effect.
Sounds like she was crying about it because she's gonna need that hand later to finish
OP you're kind of an asshole. Just because it doesn't look bad to you doesn't mean she isn't hurting.