By ugadawgs09 - 02/11/2011 04:32 - United States

Today, while I was having sex with my girlfriend, I heard a notification on my iPhone. I thought nothing of it until we were done, and then I checked it out. My mom had posted on my Facebook, telling me that if I didn't keep it down, she was going to come up to my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 509
You deserved it 14 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackii1313 9

Try keeping the noise level down next time? At least you weren't rude to your girlfriend and checked your phone.

Now all your friends know too. Well, time to unfriend mom.


yzzami 17

You shouldn't be doing that at 14 anyway

Should gave warned her if she comes up she will be in the splash zone.

Why do people have sex when others are home?

peterblack67 9

Why are you having sex with your mother home?? YDI

randybryant799 20

Why are you having loud sex with your mother in the house?