Just… why?
By Ob3nie - 14/07/2014 17:45 - United States - San Francisco

By Ob3nie - 14/07/2014 17:45 - United States - San Francisco
By MrAwsum - 17/03/2009 20:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/03/2017 04:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 00:02 - Guatemala - Guatemala City
By Jssceli09 - 18/12/2009 08:25 - United States
By NoFriends - 02/08/2009 17:12 - United States
By anonymous - 21/02/2011 05:01
By AppState - 01/03/2009 00:33 - United States
By anonymous - 06/03/2010 06:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/11/2012 03:19 - Sweden - Stockholm
By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States
Couldn't you have ignored it completely?
Just do the good old bad connection trick with your thumb covering the camera...
Guess there wasn't much fun goin on if you had time to answer a face time.
OP most likely answered because the parents might have gotten suspicious if she didn't, knowing she was alone with her boyfriend. I know mine were like that
If she thought it was a phone call, wouldn't she have held it up to her ear so her mom wouldn't have seen anything?
Yeah, 35, but there's usually a moment between answering it and getting the phone to your ear. OP's mom might have only gotten a quick glimpse, but depending on the angle the phone was held at/the positions OP and her boyfriend were in, it would've been enough.
Personally if I was lying down and the phone rang, I would reach over to answer it and then put it on speaker phone 'cause I'm lazy...meaning there would still be a picture. Maybe that's what OP did?
@72, Hope you're joking.
78 probably has a non-terrifying mom.
I might have answered just to make sure they weren't almost home or something.
Ydi for actually picking up the phone while getting it on
It must not have been very good "fun" if you checked your phone halfway through
Not to mention OP thinks they wouldn't get caught if it was a normal phone call which means not much moaning was going on. And if there ain't moaning you're doing something wrong.
What really gets to me about this is that it says "halfway through." So they continued after they were busted?
Reflexes can backfire sometimes.
no really!?
no shit sherlock.
You should have put it up to your head
this will get down voted but.... ask her if she wants to to join, why not? just do it out of incest
My question is why you answered.. Let that shit go to voicemail!
Maybe She'd Get In Trouble If She Wouldn't Answer.
74 - Maybe You Should Learn How To Use Capital Letters Properly.
you as well 84
94 - Really? I was obviously just mocking 74.
If your getting in trouble for having sex you shouldn't even try to especially knowing your parents can be back any minute.
Its kinky knowing you could be caught at anytime.
Couldn't you have ignored it completely?
Ydi for actually picking up the phone while getting it on