By ugadawgs09 - 02/11/2011 04:32 - United States

Today, while I was having sex with my girlfriend, I heard a notification on my iPhone. I thought nothing of it until we were done, and then I checked it out. My mom had posted on my Facebook, telling me that if I didn't keep it down, she was going to come up to my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 509
You deserved it 14 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackii1313 9

Try keeping the noise level down next time? At least you weren't rude to your girlfriend and checked your phone.

Now all your friends know too. Well, time to unfriend mom.


KiddNYC1O 20
bubo_fml 10

Immediately post, for the whole world to see..."Sorry Mom, I'm just about to knutt..."

Having sex and still living with your mother was dumb on your part. Just my opinion. But then again, I'm a good teenager. .... Please dont give me thumbs down for this. XD

shawna3839 4

This Just Made My Day :) Thats Like My Life Story :P

Must not have lasted 2 long if mommy didn't come upstairs. Lmmfao

Lol my mom would do something like this except she would record it and post it on fb

While your moms home? You deserved it.

ImOlivia 5

Which is why I always have a certain ring for my moms text and calls, it even vibrates different for her so I know if it's her or not.