By tash - 24/05/2011 12:33 - Canada

Today, while I was mowing the lawn in my backyard, I ran over a glass bottle. My legs looked like a disco ball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 977
You deserved it 9 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weetart 8

Look on the bright side now you can be the ball of the party.

imacreeper 3

when in doubt, dance it out! you've already got the disco ball:)


niralz16 0

how do you miss a glass bottle?? YDI for not paying attention

TalkinSmack 6

wow! ur a MORON! unless.... naw... ur a moron

Why do you think we have Mexicans? Its so stuff like this doesn't happen.

purplemnm 9

it must've looked so pretty :)

flyboy96 0

How did you not see a glass bottle?

disco ball? was the bottle mirrored? and how high do you have your mower set?

Glass is shiny even if it's not mirrored. Tiny bits of shattered glass look like glitter when they catch the sun.

zoeyisamazing 0

The glass got stuck in her leg and when she walks it looks like theirs glass in her leg

I've had worse, the same happened to me but with a throwing knife. I nearly lost my left leg.

Redneck42 0

it may have been his bottle