By tash - 24/05/2011 12:33 - Canada

Today, while I was mowing the lawn in my backyard, I ran over a glass bottle. My legs looked like a disco ball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 977
You deserved it 9 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weetart 8

Look on the bright side now you can be the ball of the party.

imacreeper 3

when in doubt, dance it out! you've already got the disco ball:)


umm, wouldn't tiny shards of glass shred your legs rather then turn it in to a disco ball? maybe you should go to the hospital

fmltiligothigh 0

Well next time pay attention, i'm sure if you would of been looking. You would have seen the bottle.

emodude44 0

Theres a place called downtown... (Anyone who gets what I'm referencing wins, forever.)

kesha song was the first thing mine went to. even though the wordings wrong.

"Where the freaks all come around" ?

Every time before I mow the lawn, I do a walk through of my yard to make sure there are no sticks, rocks, trash or other surprises that aren't supposed to be there. I can also see things in the grass ahead of me, even if the grass is pretty tall. :/ Not paying attention will kill you, you're lucky it's only your leg this time.

Still trying to figure out how cut up legs look like a disco ball...

You know what that means, Time to strut! cue music.

ILoveTabz 0

heheh party!!! but no... OUCH.