By yolonono - 04/12/2014 18:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, while I was on a field trip with my son, my husband decided to get rid of our dog without asking anyone. Now I get to pick up the pieces of a broken heart, and he thinks he did nothing wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 898
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's really messed up. Hopefully your kid will get past it and you need to have a talk with your husband..

cmchappy 25

Your husband sounds like a prick


CaroAurelia 12

If my husband EVER does this to me, I will quickly become a divorcee.

JadeWinter 16

Am I nasty in saying that I'd leave his sorry ass? Not saying OP should at all! But someone who has such disregard for life other than his own surely deserves to be on his own. What an asshole.

Ouch. My dad did something similar when we were about to move when I was really young.

My mom got rid of my family dog while my brother and I were visiting our dad for March break as kids, so I can relate to how you and your son must feel. It was a crappy thing for your husband to do, but maybe you can track your dog down and get him back?

0o0o0 9

Get the dog back and dump the husband.

Oh wow. I would totally flip out. Dogs are apart of the family!

Your husband is an ass. I feel sorry for you, your son, and the dog. What kind of sick person does this?

Your husband is a ass for doing that to your son