By BCBUDDY - 07/05/2011 15:29 - United States

Today, while I was trying to explain to my friend how smoking weed everyday doesn't make you stupid, I forgot what I was talking about mid-sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 435
You deserved it 91 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens to the... um... what was I saying... Damn, I forgot.

nice sounds like short term hit you bad


no you're right. it just makes you lazy and nonproductive.

YDI for smoking weed and you clearly ate stupid if you put this on FML and expect people to give you sympathy

How do you eat stupid? Dumbass. Are you smoking something?

347- Maybe you're the dumbass. People can make spelling mistakes easily on a keyboard. They obviously meant "are". Since "r" and "t" are close together on the keyboard, you could easily make a mistake. Man, idiots these days...

I was just pointing out that if you are going to call somebody "stupid", it would probably be a good idea to proof-read your post before submitting it... dumbass :/

It's funny how people say marijuana kills braincells and yet they don't know how the study was done that D.A.R.E scares in to students. They did the study by pumping Columbian bud into a gasmask with monkies inhaling or 5 minutes. Everyone needs to what The Union, perfect documentary for everyone.

that's what you get you ******* pot heads!

CombatBarnie 0

Weed is so stupid. I like to drive drunk and kill innocent civilians instead.

Wow, You're so funny and cool and whatnot. Get a ******* life.

Stoners say "dis shit is teh gratest, its not bad!!!" Oh really? I'm sure you'd say alcohol isn't bad either, right? Just because it doesn't IMMEDIATELY hurt you doesn't mean it isn't bad. Alcohol usually has no immediately harmful effects, but it is dangerous. Don't even give me that "pot is actually GOOD FOR YOU" shit unless you've got studies from a reliable, unbiased study with a large sample that can make up for all of the shit it can cause. Remember kids: just because it doesn't kill you doesn't mean it isn't harmful.

The Union, Watch it. Along with the hundreds of other documentaries on weed scientifically proven to NOT be harmful to you in any way. At all. Get your facts straight.

I love how all the stoners and burnouts are getting defensive. I occasionally smoke weed, and it makes you stupid as ****. It puts you in another state of mind that isn't natural for your body to handle. I mean, it's fun sometimes. But it does affect your brain, it will make you slow and stupid. Just sayin'.

monnanon 13

I also partake in a substance that puts you in a state your body isn't equipped to handle its called alcohol. Weed is not anymore dangerous than alcohol and any effects on the brain are temporary in most cases. It is not some sort of super evil substance.

Only of thts how you react WHILE you're on it.