By Anonymous - 08/10/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, while I was waiting in line at McDonald's, I found out I can sneeze, pee, and poop all at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 884
You deserved it 7 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow, OP...Yeah, that must've sucked. Part of me finds it awesome how you managed to do all three (the Force was with that sneeze, eh?), while another part of me feels terrible for your shitty and awkward predicament. Sorry.

Throw in some blood and you could have demonstrated to the OP's sister from a couple of FMLs down what comes out of where.

That must be a very shitty situation. People must have been very snotty about it. I would be pissed.

yamatelle 19

Prrrt shit pee poop, I'm lovin' it!

Call 1-866-GET-TENA for a free sample for bladder incontinence. I'm sure they make diapers as well. Just think at least you have things in common with a 90 year old.

perdix 29

You went in thinking you had 4 choices of sauces to dip your McNuggets in, but now you've got 7. If you're wearing underwear, your McNuggets are already stewing in two of them;)