By who_could_it_be - 06/08/2009 13:35 - Canada

Today, while I was walking downtown a homeless person asked me for a dollar. I thought it would be funny to wave the dollar in his face and taunt him. I guess he thought it would be funny to stab me in the leg with a pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 560
You deserved it 570 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are a pompous bastard. You deserved a knife, not a pencil.


nichole_wood 0

What'd you do afterwards, dump hot coffee on a dog? YDI, you ******* asshole.

You're a total dick. Hope you feel like shit about it now.

liteupthestage 0

What the hell would make you think that's funny?! YDI!!!

Asshole much? You actually deserve what you got, and you deserve to know what it's like to be homeless. Asshole.

bsteinberg 0

you totally copied this FML

#325, f you, asshole. You're worse than the OP because you don't even realize that what you think is cruel and evil. The homeless, for your edification, are not usually homeless because they are lazy, you f***ing prick. What? You think all Japanese people are anti-American, and all Black people are in gangs, and what? All blind people are that way because they masturbated? Die, asshole.

flex_able 0
riseandshine_fml 0

YDI. He probably needs that one ******* dollar more than you do. Have some more common sense and sympathy next time, asshole.

What is it with people and tormenting hobos? Sheesh.

Ur not supposed to do that! LOL he has feelings to! =)