By who_could_it_be - 06/08/2009 13:35 - Canada

Today, while I was walking downtown a homeless person asked me for a dollar. I thought it would be funny to wave the dollar in his face and taunt him. I guess he thought it would be funny to stab me in the leg with a pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 560
You deserved it 570 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are a pompous bastard. You deserved a knife, not a pencil.


IGoRawrrx3 0

YDI for making a fake FML. Taunting a homeless man. And just being a bitch.

what the **** is wrong with u! u deserve to be stabbed by a knife! O ya and to everybody that is saying that he used American money because he just showed a dollar, he probably didnt use American money. It's called a loonie!

kc2_fml 0

you are a sick son of a bitch and you absolutely deserved it.

Escapist28 0

I've got a list of kids with bleeding disorders in India, if you'd like to visit them in the slums and wave some medicine around in front of them. Jolly good time. I love the amount of stories about homeless people fighting back. Somehow, it's always a hilarious image.

This would've been better if the injury was life-threatening, you piece of shit.

kyasariin 0

BITCH. Don't make up stuff.

I would of stabbed you with a switchblade. You got off lucky.

kelseysue92 0

That's a PERSON. A human with feelings. YDI for being an inconsiderate bastard.