By beccaj_ilh - 06/09/2009 15:04 - United Kingdom

Today, while I was working in a bar, a very fat drunk guy kept flirting with me. He assumed I liked him because I kept blushing. I didn’t. It’s just been so long since anyone flirted with me that I apparently now cannot control my reactions if a man talks to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 696
You deserved it 6 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ky_stone22 0

well i blush all the time can get embarrassing sometimes, i suppose, but at least someone thinks you're pretty :)

I randomly turn bright red, embarrassed or not. Sometimes it comes at inopportune times.


Boat4373 0

Respectfully, Bullshit. if you work in a BAR there is no way you dont get flirted with no matter how much you lie or how ugly you are.

I can almost totally relate to that. xD

bigcrazymike 6

In your mind you may have thought that you didn't like him, but your body begs to differ.

I always blush for no apparent reason when it comes to boys :(

Flutist 3

Drunk people think they are superman. He was drunk. While getting publicly smashed is not attractive, you need to understand drunk men take "I don't like you you bastard" as playing hard to get. If he had forced you, then it would be an FML/

Probably, you were embarrassed and him pointing it out to you made it worse

I know how you feel, happens to me all the time -.-

I Met a becca once in one of my travels around Europe and she had one of the best tight hard bodies I have had the pleasure to satisfy. I miss her dearly as she was a little nympho best. Some of the best times I had on that particular trip

You must've mistaken it for being embarrassed. Cause when you get embarrassed you do tend to get red in your cheeks.