By mayerstexmex69 - 08/11/2012 15:52 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, while in class, I was called down to the office. The principal showed me a video of 2 guys fighting in the school parking lot. I'm accused of being one of those guys. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 822
You deserved it 2 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PleaseStayChill 9

Shave your head, grow out your 'stache, and embrace your masculinity.

tell him "nah ain't me, but ill whip both these *******"


I know how you feel i was arrseted at my school for food fighting and five people told the cops that i didnt do it

hateevryone 14

That sucks. Change your appearance.

blutopaz 5

Are you sure? Cause, I mean, he did get you on camera...

MexicanGinger 5

Those guys must've had boobs...

Oh you poor thing I know that feeling because I am overweight I've been called a guy I think I prefer people thinking I'm pregnant at least then they realize I am a chick