By layout - 05/06/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, while laying out, I kept feeling something misty, like a spray bottle. Curious as to what it was since it kept coming, I looked up, only to see the painters were peeing over the side of the house, and the heavy breeze was turning their piss into a refreshing mist for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 908
You deserved it 4 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time to hire a new painting company.....

ithedarkknight 0


thatswasup 0

#34: I hate people like u "let's sue people on the littlest thing" ever heard of laizzez faire? It's an idea that says government should interfere as little as possible. Also that reminds me of the one lawsuit where a lady received a million bucks for suing mcdonalds when she spilled coffee on herself. She took it to court and won! And the democrats wonder where all of our tax money is going. Dumbasses.....

holy shit haha that would suck FYL what would suck more is if it fell in your mouth

SurfCitySqueeze 0
PhillyPrice 0

Now that's funny asssssssss fkkkkkkkkkk

its probably good for tanning lmaooo let us know if it worked

97 sueing for spilling coffee on yourself is slot different than sueing for being peed on. She's got every right.

gblossom94 0

ha ha such a FYL "painter guy urine spray" ... sounds exclusive

SweetThang 0

Pee is is that "refreshing"...