By layout - 05/06/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, while laying out, I kept feeling something misty, like a spray bottle. Curious as to what it was since it kept coming, I looked up, only to see the painters were peeing over the side of the house, and the heavy breeze was turning their piss into a refreshing mist for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 908
You deserved it 4 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time to hire a new painting company.....

ithedarkknight 0


but piss is warm.. warm is not refreshing. how did u not notice?? and plus.. after a little while of being pissed on, your skin should feel like its burning. so again.. how did you not notice the warmth??

The wind turned it into mist, I'm guessing it also cooled it.

That is pretty gross I am not going to lie. But why would you not realize it sooner?

bearkats1 0

im 99% sure number 46 is joking/teasing .. #63 you need to relax.. #69 i think self-mutilating ureself cuz of piss then murdering X amount of people is over-exaggerating a bit... just saying reguardless this is funny, i'm sure they were aiming for ya

soccerloverrrfol 0

EWW. You lucky duck haha not yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck!!!

U should seriously consider prefacing the circumstance instead of coming out and saying that painters were pissing over a wall and creating a mist... Either way, that sucks, FYL...

super_jew82 0

That woulda pissed me off. (Haha.)

theoneandonly88 0

Jarate much? I guess maybe...