By kaitlyna15 - 01/08/2012 01:54 - United States - Bellevue

Today, while life-guarding, I had to explain to teenage boys that shoving objects up each others' butts and complaining that someone was giving them anal was inappropriate at a family facility in front of kids under the age of 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 016
You deserved it 1 811

Same thing different taste

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Wow do people really do this in front of everyone.


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Aug1508 9

"Boys will be boys".... Immature? Yea some boys never out grow that, specially when they're with their friends. Some get more immature even as adults.

Seems the worlds getting more anal everyday...

Or inappropriate anywhere, for that matter...

The kids were going to learn about it one way or another... Eventually

What do they expect you to do, turn a brown eye to it?

delrio1d 5
Blackmail111 9

Facepalm* It's "what what IN the butt"...

jonnynasty 0

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I find it ironic that you censored yourself, then proceeded to say ****, with no censorship, almost immediately after.

I find it ironic that you censored yourself, then proceeded to say ****, with no censorship, almost immediately after.

what objects at a pool would they even be using? I shudder to think...

oh god, you're probably right! its scary to think of the influence goatse (sp) has had on our youth... damn you internet! LOL!! ^_^

Flippers, snorkels, goggles... The list goes on.

then I must remember to bring my own EVERYTHING to the pool every time I go! eep!

Those poor kids that seen that are scarred for life now