By Anonymous - 22/11/2009 22:13 - United States

Today, while looking through a stack of possible pictures for Facebook, I found one I really liked, until I noticed that I have recently developed a bald patch. Problem? I am a 22 year old woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 051
You deserved it 3 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Perhaps you should smell your shampoo to make sure no one replaced it with Nair.

I had that in high school and when I got into college they finally diagnosed me with Alopecia Areata. You should look it up, you might have that. They put me on allergy medicine to help and so far I haven't gotten one since.


sorry. is it just on the head or other parts of a female that look hot without hair ?

SighOfTheWorld 7

I was in a similar position last year. I lost a substantial amount of hair from stress. Here are some things that work: Nature's Plus Ultra Hair Plus vitamins. 2 a day, take in the middle of large meals, takes about a month to start showing results but its really great stuff. (if you take it EVERY day. if you skip, its not good) The vitamins are enormous though so cut them in half to swallow. If they make you sick lower to 1 a day. Curetage - full system. I only use the shampoo bc its expensive but my mom uses the full system and it really works well. Definitely worth it. I would not suggest a wig because your scalp needs to breathe. Would one extension near the thin area work? DO NOT USE ROGAINE. Once you stop using it, whatever hair you gained will fall out. *Stress is a huge factor in hair loss. Do whatever you can to lessen it in your life. *Eat well or the things I listed will be for nothing. *Try not to dye or straighten/curl your hair, they fry, break, and pull out hair and you dont want to lose anything extra right now if you dont have to. Be patient as it can take up to a year to fully restore your hair. Should start seeing improvement in a month or so. I hope you get to read this, and that these things help you, good luck...

LaytonexLuke 0

Guys this isn't Yahoo!Answers. Just laugh at her problem and move to the next FML.

dancingyrlie 1

@44: Pfft, if we were meant only to laugh, the comment system wouldn't exist. Besides, I easily find more things to laugh at in Yahoo!Answers than here. I mean, here we have some standards. At Y!A, people ask how is babby formed

it is worth seeing a doctor - hair loss is a symptom of many diseases, and it's uncommon enough for women your age to get bald.

that sucks, im 13 and i suffer from alopecia alopecia bald spots are never nice

Hey, at least it's unintentional. I have a localized form of trichotillomania, meaning I pull out my own hair when stressed or otherwise feel the compulsion to do so. Right now I have no eyebrows and very patchy eyelashes. My dad started going bald when he hit puberty. His father was completely bald by age 20, and his grandmother had problems with thinning hair. What you've got might be genetic, if anyone else in your family has alopecia. You should probably go to the doctor and figure out what's what, just to make sure it's not anything serious. And in the meantime, try some hair plugs/extensions or special shampoo made for people with thinning problems.

driedpeaches 0

just get some cortisone shots into your scalp... sure it hurts, but the hair comes back...