By WishIWasADogMinder - 10/12/2015 10:47 - Australia

Today, while making less than minimum wage at McDonalds, I had to dispose of a grown man's soiled underwear that he left on the bathroom floor under a pile of toilet paper. It isn't even the grossest thing I've seen in my six months of employment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 879
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is mcd's paying you less than minimum? When I worked there, it was low pay, but they made sure to follow all minimum wage laws. Sucks when you have days like that.

What was the grossest!? Wait, I dont want to know.


I currently work at McDonald's to make ends meet whilst I'm at university and I've had some similar experiences. The worst has got to be the smeared shit on the bathroom floor... There were actual finger marks through it. Sometimes I'd rather quit and go without than deal with shit like that

It is illegal to pay you less than minimum wage! So either your a dumbass liar or you have a great lawsuit!

Around here most McDonald's pay more than minimum wage no matter the age. I didn't realize how much wage laws can vary.

I highly doubt you're making less than minimum wage. If you're gonna lie you deserved what you got. ?

When I worked at McDonald's there was a mean old lady who was our custodian in the mornings. It was maybe my second week working and she walked up to me and said, "You're new. Come with me." She took me into the women's bathroom and had me help her clean up someone's shit that was all over the floors and walls and into the neighboring restroom. I'm guessing someone's colostomy bag broke open. Anyway, I vomited violently while she said, "Oh grow up. It's not like it'll bite ya." That my friend, still wasn't the grossest thing I'd seen at a McDonald's after my year of employment.

This is the 56th instance of the word "minimum." LOL!

I feel your pain. Used to work at McDonalds. Had to clean a stall that was smeared with a bloody tampon..

Had to do the same OP while working in McDonalds as well. Plus the toilet was also full of shit to the brim. That was the day I asked for a pay rise

I don't see how you could be making less than minimum wage. I call bulllshit