By WishIWasADogMinder - 10/12/2015 10:47 - Australia

Today, while making less than minimum wage at McDonalds, I had to dispose of a grown man's soiled underwear that he left on the bathroom floor under a pile of toilet paper. It isn't even the grossest thing I've seen in my six months of employment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 879
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is mcd's paying you less than minimum? When I worked there, it was low pay, but they made sure to follow all minimum wage laws. Sucks when you have days like that.

What was the grossest!? Wait, I dont want to know.


Mathias1188 7

i had to do that once. worst thing ever though was 3 freshly used condoms from a couple in the bathroom just before closeing. they were only in there 30 minutes

I Feel so bad for you. I think people just say you deserved it because some people refuse to agree on anything :'(

I Feel so bad for you. I think people just say you deserved it because some people refuse to agree on anything :'(

aren't you supposed to be payed minimum wage? cause uhh that's what the title states it as?

The perks of being a McDonald's manager is that you get shoved on the front like of everything ? if you're not a manager then your manager sucks

Stop embellishing. You don't get paid less than minimum wage.

You might wanna look for another job, OP...

Wouldn't it be illegal for you to make less than minimum wage?

There's a McDonald's add above your FML. Classic

All of you should have contacted McD's corporate headquarters. Only people supposed to do that kind of work is the maintenance guy who is actually certified to clean up that kind of mess there are actual classes you have to take to clean up bio hazards blood urine feces all qualify as bio hazards. Who ever had you do thats in deep shit.