By WishIWasADogMinder - 10/12/2015 10:47 - Australia

Today, while making less than minimum wage at McDonalds, I had to dispose of a grown man's soiled underwear that he left on the bathroom floor under a pile of toilet paper. It isn't even the grossest thing I've seen in my six months of employment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 879
You deserved it 2 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is mcd's paying you less than minimum? When I worked there, it was low pay, but they made sure to follow all minimum wage laws. Sucks when you have days like that.

What was the grossest!? Wait, I dont want to know.


schreibergx93 19

Tis the service industry we work in. Want to projectile vomit on the wall? *smile* 'no no it's ok! I'll clean it up, have A great day!'

While that is absolutely disgusting, at least it wasn't used toilet paper. I can't imagine anything worse

I work at sonic. Someone shit their pants and left them behind the toilet.

pacman490 21

Yeah, there can't be anything grosser than the FOOD! *ba doom pshh*

luciorossari 8

If you are being paid less than minimum wage, become a whistleblower. Sue them for unfair and illegal payment. There are laws protecting you if you do this.

rchjr2106 7

I highly doubt a corporation such as McDonald's would pay somebody less than minimum wage. That would be illegal. The story sucks but no need for the exaggeration.

hiillraaaaay 4

is it legal to make less than minimum wage there???

You have to ask? The whole point of minimum wage is that's the least amount someone can legally be paid.

When I worked at McDonald's someone shit on the floor in the men's room and wrote "**** you" in their own feces on the wall. Fortunately I didn't have to clean it, sorry you had to go through with that OP!