By imy - 18/10/2011 15:01 - United States

Today, while performing a rectal exam on my female patient, I inadvertently said, "Okay, you're going to feel some pleasure now." I meant "pressure". Her husband was in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 145
You deserved it 9 473

Same thing different taste


miZscrZee 0
Stessin_Trust 4

Ur A Kinky Lil Bastard Now Aint Ya

It's these kinds of fmls that I'd really like to know what happened after that

there should be more doctors in the world like you

creedaddict 9

You sure this wasn't planned? Why was her husband in the room u sure he didn't slip u a few bucks to say that lolol

I did something similar once, except the conversation went some thing like this. Me (Lifting woman's smock): "Woah! You could drive a bus through there!" Me (to husband): "Looks like she works out." Husband: "That's not a very professional attitude!" Me (to husband as I slide my finger into his wife): "You know I'm not a real doctor, right?" Me: "Hey look, she's like a ventriloquist's dummy. Watch me drink this glass of water while she sings a song".