By W1D0 - 20/08/2011 06:23 - United States

Today, while riding in the car with my mother, we got into an argument, at which point she pulled the vehicle over, took the key out of the ignition and used it to turn off the passenger airbag. She then continued driving in silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 094
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ickyboo18 0

#103 in some cars u can because my uncles truck has that(:

There is no feature to turn off an airbag in any North American or EU vehicles. There are just gullible people who believe that there is. A mechanic can disable an airbag but faces large fines and possible jail time if he releases it to the owner with the inspection sticker. there is No Way to turn off the Air Bag from the driver side as you would turn off the radio.

take the keys out and walk out of the car and throw them away

Wow. Just wow. Your mother is cruel and unfit to be a parent. If she does it again you should call the police.

philly215 0

Hey, I'm a Mom and you guys take us to that point!! It's funny to me because I understand....

You'd put you child in serious danger because you're angry at them? That is NOT good parenting.

Well at least you still have your seat belt. Be glad she didn't ripped it off. XD