By W1D0 - 20/08/2011 06:23 - United States

Today, while riding in the car with my mother, we got into an argument, at which point she pulled the vehicle over, took the key out of the ignition and used it to turn off the passenger airbag. She then continued driving in silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 094
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Passive-aggressive threat to make her point that she is right?

Nice to know your own dear mother is willing to increase the chances of killing you over a petty argument... Honestly, what is the matter with people these days?

Wow what a b*tch, it's irresponsible as a mother and as a driver, you have responsibility for your passangers safety.

White_Knightspc 0

I would invest in a DOT certified helmet if you continue to ride with your mother

SpookyInk 5

Don't piss her off while she drives. Seriously...

Bigqjmcgeorge 1

She wants your ass to die hahaha what a BITCH