By michelle91 - 02/12/2009 11:36 - Malaysia

Today, while stepping out of the shower, I slipped and cut my head. I went to the hospital, got 8 stitches and was tested for head trauma. After hours of ignoring my calls and texts, my girlfriend finally responded, very angrily. Why? Today is her birthday, and I "selfishly made it about me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 131
You deserved it 4 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazylady654 0

hey! today is MY birthday! why does your girlfriend always have to make it about her?!?


Okay... to everyone who is blaiming the girl, stop. She was being rash and selfish, but her feelings were obviously hurt. After all, you didn't really need to keep calling and texting her about it, unless the doctors said you were going to die. So next time, call her, text her, call her again, and then leave it at that.

That doesn't excuse her behaviour. She may have had some hurt feelings, but he may have been seriously physically hurt. Only an immature selfish bitch thinks a birthday dinner is more important than getting her bf's head checked out after hitting it. I really hope he gets rid of her.

awooga1995, you can't be serious. What are you 14? Oh wait! Yes, you are :D Grow up first and then comment on love related matters.

AGGoddess 2

Or see who kills the other first. I think the boy would be reunited with his dear grandma.

sarcdude 3

well the calling and texting would be him trying to let her know what was going on...

Just so you know, he called her. She didn't call him. But I understand where you are coming from.

Women were were given to men by God Remind her of that verse and then she'll have too shut it! She needs to know her place!!

psychoxxxinvader 3

Really? Seriously. And I had thought humanity had evolved... But seriously... She's a bitch, she's the selfish one, OP.

wow what a bitch. I'd consider leaving her for someone a little less selfish.

Ouch. the girlfriend part is double ouch. You've got my pity.

I know, you can refer this bitch to the douchebag who turned his girlfriend's immediate loss of her grandfather into an hour-long sobfest about his six-years-dead grandmother, and they can go be narcissistic twats together and live happily ever after.

If you haven't dumped her yet, I can give you the results of your head trauma test right now