By anna - 22/12/2011 21:25 - France

Today, while waiting for my train, I was listening to a voicemail message on my phone. Out of nowhere, a stranger came up to me from behind and screamed "DELETE!" into my ear. His voice command deleted my message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 951
You deserved it 4 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should have deleted him from the face of earth

bizarre_ftw 21

I hope you freaked out on the person until everyone around thought you were crazy and the jackass started crying

HogwartsDropout7 0

That's a better joke than casting Engorgio on someone's head.

Kylias 6

And that's when you turn around and put your knuckles up his nose, right?

Cirilia 4

What I don't understand is how he knew you were listening to a voicemail? Wouldn't it appear as though you were just talking on the phone?

simsimma88 0
White_Knightspc 0

I'm more concerned about this apparent mind reader. Seriously, How did he know you were checking your Vmail?

I wanted to make a Death Note comment, saw one person who did, and was like "Yeah, bitches!" and then I saw I clearly was beaten :(

PunkCupcake 12

Dang I was gonna put the death note comment too lol.

Hopefully it was nit an important message???