By NotAPrincess - 12/05/2015 16:38 - United States - San Francisco
Same thing different taste
By JackieD - 25/08/2014 18:05 - United States - Bellevue
By I was just following orders! - 04/10/2018 12:00
By Anonymous - 06/02/2011 17:53 - United States
By anonymous - 28/05/2013 00:56 - United States - Philadelphia
By ssydneyy - 17/07/2012 19:47 - United States - Lakewood
By elsatheannoyed - 12/11/2014 04:34 - United States - Santa Clara
Stop that now
By Soo - 24/12/2020 08:04 - Spain - Archidona
By Ren - 27/01/2009 20:02 - United States
By miseventshappen - 09/11/2009 05:49 - United States
By shadowfigure - 23/01/2011 05:47 - United States
Top comments
Maybe they were tears of joy??
Jealous of how beautiful your voice was?
You could've just said you were a friend of Elsa, but you shouldn't have sung unless you could sing.
Maybe OP is one of those people that think they can sing, but really can't. Now OP's dreams of becoming a singing superstar have been dashed by a little girl.
Better now than in American Idol where OP's soul would be crushed with disappointment. In front of SO many people, tsk.
We got it, Elsa.
how cold hearted of you
I've only seen bits and pieces of it, but it's neither bad nor incredible. I assume you hate it because of the same fanatic fandom that has ruined sports, comic books, video games, anime, and religion.
#34 And that's only the tip of the iceberg. You really don't want to see what I wish would happen to Elsa. But I guess I will. I wish Elsa would get taken out by a massive volcanic eruption covering her in molten lava. #38 I saw the whole movie and I agree with you. The animation was amazing as expected from Disney. The plot felt like I was watching Poseidon (06 remake). It felt way too rushed for what they were trying to get out of it. The twist with Hans was lame and derailed the movie's common sense and logic trains. And then I had to endure listening to the $#!&&y soundtrack countless times at my ex-job because of how popular the stupid film was. Looking back on it there are way too many plot holes and cliches that don't work in the movie's favor.
No offence, but the people that hate Frozen only hate it because of how much other people like it and how overplayed the songs were. Whenever something is liked that much and there's a lot of hype and overplayed songs, it causes people to detest it. In reality, the movie was great for a kids movie. It may not be Oscar worthy, but it's a kids movie. It is what it is, and you'll be hard pressed to find a kid that didn't like it. It works for what it is.
People tend to detest things that are shoved down their throats - can't say I blame them.
#65 it's possible for someone to dislike a movie because it's just not a great movie. Animation was great, yes. But that's about it. They lost me at the story line right from the start. And just because it was a kids movie, doesn't mean that it's okay for it to suck. I love plenty of kids movies (that I didn't grow up with, mind you) because they were genuinely good, not because they "were good for a kids movie"
And that's the idea. A film for kids also needs to also add a bit of appeal to adults to keep them interested as they also watch. Frozen also broke a cardinal kid movie rule. A major male lead to keep the male side interested. Kristoff and Sven were funny but they were shoved on the backburner pretty hard. Tangled was better by having Flynn/Eugene keep the boys and some fandom girls interested. And Repunzel mainly for the interest of the girls. And it kept a good balance of all around interest for the entire length of the film. Frozen was borderlining watching an animated chick flick. I will back that How to Train Your Dragon 2 blew Frozen out of the water. It had amazing animation. Excellent balance of characters. Hiccup mainly for the boys. Astrid and Valka mainly for the girls. Toothless and the other dragons+riders for both sides. And everyone had universal appeal. The Plot was great. The climax was great. The twist hit a perfect emotion bullseye. Everything was just wondrous.
#89 - Wow, I wasn't even aware half of these movies existed. I still considered "Wall-E" a recent kid's movie up until I saw your comment.
Maybe it was so good it brought her to tears
You are a good person but a bad singer
there goes your tip...
How could you lie to a little girl like that?! No wonder she started crying! I can't believe you, smh.
Here comes the "let it go" puns