By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 17:16 - United States - Surprise

Today, while walking around town, some guy grabbed me from behind, clutched at my nipples, and said, "That's where I always imagined they were." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 177
You deserved it 4 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick him in the balls and say "just where I thought they would be too"


It was 109 degrees today in Arizona. Extreme heat causes dehydration followed by delirium. maybe from behind he imagined you were a ice cream truck, and was reaching in your side compartment for some Mounds. Good thing for you he wasn't in the mood for soft serve.

asnakelovinbabe 16

nipples.. ******* would be pointless without them..

That guy needs to get laid! Quickly!!!

Ali_Br_fml 33

Okay. OP is a male, the nipple grabber is a male... he didn't know where OP's nipples were? He couldn't just look down at his own? Am I missing something here?

Yikes! I hope you called he cops. That's sexual assault.

Why does everyone assume OP is a girl? It could be a guy.

Ali_Br_fml 33

It says op is a guy in the gender area. I assumed OP was a girl when I read it too, but saw the gender while trying to view his name... He just happens to be anonymous

"a nipple touching man" not one of zz top's better known songs

Why the **** didn't you roundhouse kick that piece of shit in the face?!