By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 17:16 - United States - Surprise

Today, while walking around town, some guy grabbed me from behind, clutched at my nipples, and said, "That's where I always imagined they were." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 182
You deserved it 4 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick him in the balls and say "just where I thought they would be too"


Or you could just invest in nothing. I think the best way to deal with a nipple touching man is just to stand back and ask him what the **** he's doing.

Creeper...doesn't matter if this was on you or a chick run away and maybe report him as a perv.,,

You should have scratched a DNA sample off that asshole.

creativecreation 8

That's when I would feign interest, get his info and file a lawsuit.

kitsune309 15

Hilarity brought to you by OP's gender.

MaxPlain69 8

We are definitely in a social decline...

ghil_fml 7