By lostintdot - 31/07/2014 11:38 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, while wandering around the big city I just relocated to, I asked a seemingly pleasant-looking lady where the nearest library was. She told me to get lost, and started laughing. Then said she was just joking and gave me directions. I'm now standing in front of a gay strip joint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 959
You deserved it 5 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always the innocent looking ones...

TheKingKen 22

It always makes me sad when a person's entertainment is at the expense of someone else. It happens all the time


I try my best to map out where I'm going, before I leave. However, I'm guessing you didn't have internet or a map at your disposal.

you should have trusted google instead of that lady.. however thats how you meet new ppl..

Come on people, admit it, it's funny! If your friend told you that this happened to them you would laugh!

PinkWalls 12
MrMoofinMan 19

I say you deserve it for being prejudice.. :c

How was OP being prejudiced? I don't understand your logic here.

What the **** are you saying. The op sounds a lot nicer than you!

outcastnalone 1

God, I think this is funny. I needed it, to be a bit selfish. I just relocated to the Baltimore/Washington D.C. and it's big, spread out, and sometimes intimidating. Driving it sucks. The only way I get around is by using a GPS, so I can relate. Best wishes.

Baltimore is a disgusting, dangerous, charming city. Enjoy it!

Yep, you are definitely new to city life.

karimm_fml 6

She's been watching Police Academy too much.