By lostintdot - 31/07/2014 11:38 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, while wandering around the big city I just relocated to, I asked a seemingly pleasant-looking lady where the nearest library was. She told me to get lost, and started laughing. Then said she was just joking and gave me directions. I'm now standing in front of a gay strip joint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 959
You deserved it 5 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always the innocent looking ones...

TheKingKen 22

It always makes me sad when a person's entertainment is at the expense of someone else. It happens all the time


People...the next time you see that woman, if you ever do. Tell her you not only did you find the library eventually, you also found your significant other who actually directed her to the library. Then thank her profusely. It's random but worth a shot? *shrugs*

Please proofread your comment before you post because your comment was very confusing to read.

That sucks. But on the other hand, they will surely give you a nice warm welcome to the big city.

CurlyQute 17

Next time you should ask someone in a store. They normally are better at giving directions correctly.

Cocoapelli 23

Well, I'm sure there's something in the joint you can "check out"

Experiences like this are why it would make it hard for someone to trust people, i.e. trust issues.

Vanshikap 24

Well, now u know where to find a gay strip club, if u ever need one.