By Anonymous - 01/01/2012 18:09 - Canada

Today, while watching Rio, I got a boner when Blu and Jewel kissed. This is almost as pathetic as getting a boner a few days ago while watching Homer and Marge kiss on The Simpsons. I think I'm way past the point of ever getting laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 945
You deserved it 10 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11

I see you fapping to cartoon **** in the future!

perdix 29

You may be past the point of ever getting laid. . . for free. You'd be surprised what enough cash could do. I'd bet that for a big enough stack of loonies, you can find a blue-haired ***** who will scream and moan like Marge Simpson for the 30 seconds you last inside her. Just show her the D'oh!



Omg wow lol (tram Pararam is awesome btw)

lalamike25 0

It's ok, I got hard when my dog sat on my lap. I don't see how though

all you have to do is find a chick ay a club drunk enough to have sex with you then you wont be a forty year old virgin. im just kidding just put yourself out there you're bound to find someone eventually if you try hard enough.

White_Knightspc 0

Guys dont make fun of him ... We all like chicks... He just likes the other kind

I'm going to be nice op cause I'm Canadian too haha. Just go out to a popular place in town, I'm sure you'll meet someone. But don't go looking around just because you want to get laid, that's not cool. Search for someone that makes you happy! Plus, Rio is actually a very cute movie. :)

I'm going to be nice op cause I'm Canadian too haha. Just go out to a popular place in town, I'm sure you'll meet someone. But don't go looking around just because you want to get laid, that's not cool. Search for someone that makes you happy! Plus, Rio is actually a very cute movie. :)

I wouldnt say you'l never get laid, first time I had my hand held and was hugged by who turned into my gf of 4 years I was worried that my 'natural body reactions' would have put her off me... Sometimes it still happens now! I think the body learns control and stops getting excited by some things eventually, mine did!