By Anonymous - 01/01/2012 18:09 - Canada

Today, while watching Rio, I got a boner when Blu and Jewel kissed. This is almost as pathetic as getting a boner a few days ago while watching Homer and Marge kiss on The Simpsons. I think I'm way past the point of ever getting laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 945
You deserved it 10 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11

I see you fapping to cartoon **** in the future!

perdix 29

You may be past the point of ever getting laid. . . for free. You'd be surprised what enough cash could do. I'd bet that for a big enough stack of loonies, you can find a blue-haired ***** who will scream and moan like Marge Simpson for the 30 seconds you last inside her. Just show her the D'oh!


That's terrible mate, having a boner after watching those? Man, you just cut my mood for sex tonight!!

TheHolyLama 0

...and you ****, in your pants...

kroekdog 7

I was modding the FMLs a few days ago and one person claimed to have gotten a boner while watching Pokemon. But, OP, I think your case is a lot worse. Just try branching out some.

Time to get a life my friend~~ step out into the world and meet some people (just stay away from the bird exhibit at the zoo mmk?)

QMoneyMaker723 0

This is actually an advantage just draw up some sexy cartoons and you are never alone

you need to get a girlfriend or a hooker...